Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Lcho Dodi was the highlight of life. The tunes I remember them using are Bcho Hashem Chosisi for the beginning of Lcho Dodi and the nigun simcha for Lo Sevoishi. Also, Yechi Adoneinu (the long, original one) starting at Lo Sevoishi...awesome.

Someone told me once that at the top of the steps, when the Rebbe comes upstairs after Kabolas Shabbos, the Rebbe says gut Shabbos to whoever is there. So after Lcho Dodi, I pushed out and went upstairs to wait. And takeh, the Rebbe came up the stairs, slowly, looking down the whole time, and just about before the last step (as you're turning left) the Rebbe looked up and said gut shabbos to everyone there, and I got one too.

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